Das DOX in Prag zeigt: „The JOURNAL (IR)RESPONSABLE „

Charlie Hebdo

The JOURNAL (IR)RESPONSABLE exhibition, whose name is inspired by the subtitle of the magazine Charlie Hebdo, will familiarize the Czech public with the focus, attitudes, and humour of this French magazine, which is currently at the centre of an Europe-wide debate. Almost 200 Charlie Hebdo cover pages will be on display at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art until 9 March 2015.

Since the 1960s, French humour magazine Charlie Hebdo has used satirical drawings to



comment on all sorts of subject matter. Whether it is commenting authoritarianism, militarism, racism, current political affairs, religion, or terrorism, its approach is always identically critical. There is no inviolable, sacred ground.

Since 7 January 2015, the whole world knows about Charlie Hebdo. Not only did the terrorist attack on its offices launch a huge wave of solidarity, it also initiated a discussion regarding the ideals of a free society: freedom of expression, freedom of religion, tolerance towards difference, and others. This discussion of course also concerns Czech society.

The intent of this exhibition is to allow the Czech public to form its own opinion of the magazine, its attitude, ideas, and humour. Whatever we may call the magazine’s approach – shocking, dumb, primitive, vicious, provocative, or ingenious – it is always based on humour. And in the twenty-first century, no humour can be deemed a capital crime.

Über Redaktion

Impressum Pflichtangaben gemäß § 5 TMG Inhaltlich verantwortlich ist: Ria Hinken Tel. +49 (0) 761 | 2852 7905 Mail: rh(at)konzepte-pr.de Umsatzsteuer-ID DE185565169 Verantwortlich i. S. d. P. Ria Hinken Wintererstr. 7, D-79104 Freiburg Mail: rh(at)konzepte-pr.de
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